2013-09-06 19:07:53 UTC
Hi to the group. Thanks for letting me join. Someone offered me a Bearcat 250D scanner for $125.00. It seems to be in good condition with just a little dent on the speaker grill and the battery won't hold a charge. I can find a new set of batteries for this not a problen there. Is this a good deal for this radio? I see them on fleabay and amazon for upwards of $225.00. Just curious. I do own a homepatrol scanner and have learned how to use it pretty proficiently, but I was looking for something I could throw into my bag and take to work for listening while I am in the field. I am a supervisor for a public transportation comapny here in San Diego and sometimes have long periods where I am idle, especially on the few night shifts I work.
I am also a Ham and would like to listen to a few ham freqs while I work as well.
Any tips on using this scanner? I did see there was some software for rogramming it using the PC, but all the sites seem to either dicontinued or out of stock. Anyone now where I might find it to download? Also the programming cable I can probably pick up on ebay or amazon as well, the sellers on there seem to have a lot of them.
Well this is my intial post. Again thanks for letting me join and hoping to hear some ideas from you all soon.
2013-09-08 18:53:16 UTC
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> </head> <body style="background-color: #fff;"> <span style="display:none">&nbsp;</span> <!--~-|**|PrettyHtmlStartT|**|-~--> <div id="ygrp-mlmsg" style="position:relative;"> <div id="ygrp-msg" style="z-index: 1;"> <!--~-|**|PrettyHtmlEndT|**|-~--> <div id="ygrp-text" > <p><div>Does it have the digital card, which was optional for the scanner?</div> <div>I doubt if any battery that you fine is new and the programming cable is very, very expensive and difficult to find.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>My choice would <var id="yui-ie-cursor"></var>be a BCD 396T or BCD 396XT even if a little beat up but works </div> <div>perfect. They would probably end up being cheaper&nbsp; after the 250D and buying </div> <div>the battery and cable. Remember the BCDs use AA batteries.</div> <div>Also, I&#39;m not sure if the 250D will hadle rebanded trunk<var id="yui-ie-cursor"></var> systems..</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="ygroups-quoted"><br><br>--- In UnidenBC250D-***@public.gmane.org, &lt;unidenbc250d-***@public.gmane.org&gt; wrote:<br><br>
<div>Hi to the group. Thanks for letting me join. Someone offered me a Bearcat 250D scanner for $125.00. It seems to be in good condition with just a little dent on the speaker grill and the battery won&#39;t hold a charge. I can find a new set of batteries for this not a problen there. Is this a good deal for this radio? I see them on fleabay and amazon for upwards of $225.00. Just curious. I do own a homepatrol scanner and have learned how to use it pretty proficiently, but I was looking for something I could throw into my bag and take to work for listening while I am in the field. I am a supervisor for a public transportation comapny here in San Diego and sometimes have long periods where I am idle, especially on the few night shifts I work.<br>I am also a Ham and would like to listen t
o a few ham freqs while I work as well.<br>Any tips on using this scanner? I did see there was some software for rogramming it using the PC, but all the sites seem to either dicontinued or out of stock. Anyone now where I might find it to download? Also the programming cable I can probably pick up on ebay or amazon as well, the sellers on there seem to have a lot of them.<br>Well this is my intial post. Again thanks for letting me join and hoping to hear some ideas from you all soon.<br>JamesM.<br>KJ6FXA</div></div></p>


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2013-09-07 16:29:10 UTC
Hi to the group. Thaks for letting me join.
My name is JamesM., I am a Ham for 3 years and a scanner listenner for about 15 years. About 3 years ago I acquired a Uniden Homepatrol and have never looked back. The reason I joined this group is someone offered me this scanner for the price of $125.00. Is this a good price? I have seen these on ebay and amazon for about $250.00 or more. There is a little ding in the speaker grill and the batteries won't hold a charge but the radio works with the adapter plugged in. It does have the APCO P25 card installed (according to the display when it is turned on.
Just a couple initial questions: After r esearch I see this can be programmmed with a PC. Looking for the software I see it is either dicontinued or out of stock every where I look. Anyone have any idea where I can get this software at? As for the cable I see I can get it on ebay or amazon for around 5 or 6 bucks. Not a bad price.

Any other advice anyone can give me please let me know.
I do not know a lot about scanners but am willing to learn.
Thanks i advance for any info and advice.

Oh just for the record I live in El Cajon (about 12 miles east of San Diego) and like to listen to SDPD, ECPD, LMPD and Heartland Fire, as well as CHP and Aircraft and the ham bands.

Ivan Gort
2013-09-09 16:05:34 UTC
If you can find the software you will find it doesn't work with the new versions of Windows. And you'll need a computer with a serial port. The serial to usb adapter does work. At least it didn't for me. I have everything I need to program mine and I can't get any to work. Later will try on an old XP computer.

Good Luck, Jerry
Post by bartenderjim
Hi to the group. Thaks for letting me join.
My name is JamesM., I am a Ham for 3 years and a scanner listenner for about 15 years. About 3 years ago I acquired a Uniden Homepatrol and have never looked back. The reason I joined this group is someone offered me this scanner for the price of $125.00. Is this a good price? I have seen these on ebay and amazon for about $250.00 or more. There is a little ding in the speaker grill and the batteries won't hold a charge but the radio works with the adapter plugged in. It does have the APCO P25 card installed (according to the display when it is turned on.
Just a couple initial questions: After r esearch I see this can be programmmed with a PC. Looking for the software I see it is either dicontinued or out of stock every where I look. Anyone have any idea where I can get this software at? As for the cable I see I can get it on ebay or amazon for around 5 or 6 bucks. Not a bad price.
Any other advice anyone can give me please let me know.
I do not know a lot about scanners but am willing to learn.
Thanks i advance for any info and advice.
Oh just for the record I live in El Cajon (about 12 miles east of San Diego) and like to listen to SDPD, ECPD, LMPD and Heartland Fire, as well as CHP and Aircraft and the ham bands.
Ivan Gort
2013-09-09 18:43:23 UTC
If you can find the software you will find it doesn't work with the new versions of Windows. And you'll need a computer with a serial port. The serial to usb adapter does work. At least it didn't for me. I have everything I need to program mine and I can't get any to work. Later will try on an old XP computer.

Good Luck,
Post by bartenderjim
Hi to the group. Thaks for letting me join.
My name is JamesM., I am a Ham for 3 years and a scanner listenner for about 15 years. About 3 years ago I acquired a Uniden Homepatrol and have never looked back. The reason I joined this group is someone offered me this scanner for the price of $125.00. Is this a good price? I have seen these on ebay and amazon for about $250.00 or more. There is a little ding in the speaker grill and the batteries won't hold a charge but the radio works with the adapter plugged in. It does have the APCO P25 card installed (according to the display when it is turned on.
Just a couple initial questions: After r esearch I see this can be programmmed with a PC. Looking for the software I see it is either dicontinued or out of stock every where I look. Anyone have any idea where I can get this software at? As for the cable I see I can get it on ebay or amazon for around 5 or 6 bucks. Not a bad price.
Any other advice anyone can give me please let me know.
I do not know a lot about scanners but am willing to learn.
Thanks i advance for any info and advice.
Oh just for the record I live in El Cajon (about 12 miles east of San Diego) and like to listen to SDPD, ECPD, LMPD and Heartland Fire, as well as CHP and Aircraft and the ham bands.
2013-09-09 12:29:07 UTC
This is one of the scanners I still own. It works well still on basic analog and digital hopefully you got the card. Many systems got rebanded and it work work properly on them anymore. but It has good reception. I use arc250 for programming. cable I got on ebay also I think.
Post by bartenderjim
Hi to the group. Thanks for letting me join. Someone offered me a Bearcat 250D scanner for $125.00. It seems to be in good condition with just a little dent on the speaker grill and the battery won't hold a charge. I can find a new set of batteries for this not a problen there. Is this a good deal for this radio? I see them on fleabay and amazon for upwards of $225.00. Just curious. I do own a homepatrol scanner and have learned how to use it pretty proficiently, but I was looking for something I could throw into my bag and take to work for listening while I am in the field. I am a supervisor for a public transportation comapny here in San Diego and sometimes have long periods where I am idle, especially on the few night shifts I work.
I am also a Ham and would like to listen to a few ham freqs while I work as well.
Any tips on using this scanner? I did see there was some software for rogramming it using the PC, but all the sites seem to either dicontinued or out of stock. Anyone now where I might find it to download? Also the programming cable I can probably pick up on ebay or amazon as well, the sellers on there seem to have a lot of them.
Well this is my intial post. Again thanks for letting me join and hoping to hear some ideas from you all soon.
Ivan Gort
2013-09-12 17:37:58 UTC
Does not work with Win 7/8.

Hi guys,
Yes it came with the APCO card already installed.
I went to a place here in San Diego called batteries plus and they rebuilt the battery pack for $20. Scanner works perfectly now.
Alec: You mentioned you use arc250 software. Does it work on the Win8 system? How do I get it?
I am going to start looking for the cable on Ebay...is there a certain cable number I should look for? Any I should avoid?
Thanks for any and all suggestions.
Post by Alec
This is one of the scanners I still own. It works well still on basic analog and digital hopefully you got the card. Many systems got rebanded and it work work properly on them anymore. but It has good reception. I use arc250 for programming. cable I got on ebay also I think.
Post by bartenderjim
Hi to the group. Thanks for letting me join. Someone offered me a Bearcat 250D scanner for $125.00. It seems to be in good condition with just a little dent on the speaker grill and the battery won't hold a charge. I can find a new set of batteries for this not a problen there. Is this a good deal for this radio? I see them on fleabay and amazon for upwards of $225.00. Just curious. I do own a homepatrol scanner and have learned how to use it pretty proficiently, but I was looking for something I could throw into my bag and take to work for listening while I am in the field. I am a supervisor for a public transportation comapny here in San Diego and sometimes have long periods where I am idle, especially on the few night shifts I work.
I am also a Ham and would like to listen to a few ham freqs while I work as well.
Any tips on using this scanner? I did see there was some software for rogramming it using the PC, but all the sites seem to either dicontinued or out of stock. Anyone now where I might find it to download? Also the programming cable I can probably pick up on ebay or amazon as well, the sellers on there seem to have a lot of them.
Well this is my intial post. Again thanks for letting me join and hoping to hear some ideas from you all soon.
2013-09-12 20:57:33 UTC
Unfortunately I have no serial ports on my computer. I also found (hiddden away in the closet) an old Dell computer running XP. This computer has no serial ports either. Is a USB-to-Serial port adapter available for this cable.

Also will arc250 run on the XP machine?
There is a programming cable for sale now on eBay. They are few and far between.
From: bartenderjim
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 11:33 AM
Subject: [UnidenBC250D] Re: Introduction
Hi guys,
Yes it came with the APCO card already installed.
I went to a place here in San Diego called batteries plus and they rebuilt the battery pack for $20. Scanner works perfectly now.
Alec: You mentioned you use arc250 software. Does it work on the Win8 system? How do I get it?
I am going to start looking for the cable on Ebay...is there a certain cable number I should look for? Any I should avoid?
Thanks for any and all suggestions.
This is one of the scanners I still own. It works well still on basic analog and digital hopefully you got the card. Many systems got rebanded and it work work properly on them anymore. but It has good reception. I use arc250 for programming. cable I got on ebay also I think.
Post by bartenderjim
Hi to the group. Thanks for letting me join. Someone offered me a Bearcat 250D scanner for $125.00. It seems to be in good condition with just a little dent on the speaker grill and the battery won't hold a charge. I can find a new set of batteries for this not a problen there. Is this a good deal for this radio? I see them on fleabay and amazon for upwards of $225.00. Just curious. I do own a homepatrol scanner and have learned how to use it pretty proficiently, but I was looking for something I could throw into my bag and take to work for listening while I am in the field. I am a supervisor for a public transportation comapny here in San Diego and sometimes have long periods where I am idle, especially on the few night shifts I work.
I am also a Ham and would like to listen to a few ham freqs while I work as well.
Any tips on using this scanner? I did see there was some software for rogramming it using the PC, but all the sites seem to either dicontinued or out of stock. Anyone now where I might find it to download? Also the programming cable I can probably pick up on ebay or amazon as well, the sellers on there seem to have a lot of them.
Well this is my intial post. Again thanks for letting me join and hoping to hear some ideas from you all soon.
Fred Chase
2013-09-13 08:17:19 UTC
I believe any usb to serial adapter cable should work as long as you load the correct drivers for it.

I’ve never used ARC250 as I used the Uniden program which works with XP, but not 7 or 8.

The Butel Web Site shows that ARC250 works with the following Windows platforms: Windows XP/2000/Vista/7

From: bartenderjim
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 4:57 PM
To: UnidenBC250D-***@public.gmane.org
Subject: [UnidenBC250D] Re: Introduction

Unfortunately I have no serial ports on my computer. I also found (hiddden away in the closet) an old Dell computer running XP. This computer has no serial ports either. Is a USB-to-Serial port adapter available for this cable.

Also will arc250 run on the XP machine?
There is a programming cable for sale now on eBay. They are few and far between.
From: bartenderjim
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 11:33 AM
Subject: [UnidenBC250D] Re: Introduction
Hi guys,
Yes it came with the APCO card already installed.
I went to a place here in San Diego called batteries plus and they rebuilt the battery pack for $20. Scanner works perfectly now.
Alec: You mentioned you use arc250 software. Does it work on the Win8 system? How do I get it?
I am going to start looking for the cable on Ebay...is there a certain cable number I should look for? Any I should avoid?
Thanks for any and all suggestions.
This is one of the scanners I still own. It works well still on basic analog and digital hopefully you got the card. Many systems got rebanded and it work work properly on them anymore. but It has good reception. I use arc250 for programming. cable I got on ebay also I think.
Post by bartenderjim
Hi to the group. Thanks for letting me join. Someone offered me a Bearcat 250D scanner for $125.00. It seems to be in good condition with just a little dent on the speaker grill and the battery won't hold a charge. I can find a new set of batteries for this not a problen there. Is this a good deal for this radio? I see them on fleabay and amazon for upwards of $225.00. Just curious. I do own a homepatrol scanner and have learned how to use it pretty proficiently, but I was looking for something I could throw into my bag and take to work for listening while I am in the field. I am a supervisor for a public transportation comapny here in San Diego and sometimes have long periods where I am idle, especially on the few night shifts I work.
I am also a Ham and would like to listen to a few ham freqs while I work as well.
Any tips on using this scanner? I did see there was some software for rogramming it using the PC, but all the sites seem to either dicontinued or out of stock. Anyone now where I might find it to download? Also the programming cable I can probably pick up on ebay or amazon as well, the sellers on there seem to have a lot of them.
Well this is my intial post. Again thanks for letting me join and hoping to hear some ideas from you all soon.
2013-09-13 18:18:14 UTC
I have used ARC 250 with the serial port with XP and a usb to serial adapter with win 7 without any problem. However there seems to be issues if you use a low end usb adapter. The adapter I used was an IOGear GUC232a which came with drivers that installed without any problems. I also found that every usb port I used it on assigned a different comm port.
Post by Fred Chase
I believe any usb to serial adapter cable should work as long as you load the correct drivers for it.
I’ve never used ARC250 as I used the Uniden program which works with XP, but not 7 or 8.
The Butel Web Site shows that ARC250 works with the following Windows platforms: Windows XP/2000/Vista/7
From: bartenderjim
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 4:57 PM
Subject: [UnidenBC250D] Re: Introduction
Unfortunately I have no serial ports on my computer. I also found (hiddden away in the closet) an old Dell computer running XP. This computer has no serial ports either. Is a USB-to-Serial port adapter available for this cable.
Also will arc250 run on the XP machine?
There is a programming cable for sale now on eBay. They are few and far between.
From: bartenderjim
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 11:33 AM
Subject: [UnidenBC250D] Re: Introduction
Hi guys,
Yes it came with the APCO card already installed.
I went to a place here in San Diego called batteries plus and they rebuilt the battery pack for $20. Scanner works perfectly now.
Alec: You mentioned you use arc250 software. Does it work on the Win8 system? How do I get it?
I am going to start looking for the cable on Ebay...is there a certain cable number I should look for? Any I should avoid?
Thanks for any and all suggestions.
This is one of the scanners I still own. It works well still on basic analog and digital hopefully you got the card. Many systems got rebanded and it work work properly on them anymore. but It has good reception. I use arc250 for programming. cable I got on ebay also I think.
Post by bartenderjim
Hi to the group. Thanks for letting me join. Someone offered me a Bearcat 250D scanner for $125.00. It seems to be in good condition with just a little dent on the speaker grill and the battery won't hold a charge. I can find a new set of batteries for this not a problen there. Is this a good deal for this radio? I see them on fleabay and amazon for upwards of $225.00. Just curious. I do own a homepatrol scanner and have learned how to use it pretty proficiently, but I was looking for something I could throw into my bag and take to work for listening while I am in the field. I am a supervisor for a public transportation comapny here in San Diego and sometimes have long periods where I am idle, especially on the few night shifts I work.
I am also a Ham and would like to listen to a few ham freqs while I work as well.
Any tips on using this scanner? I did see there was some software for rogramming it using the PC, but all the sites seem to either dicontinued or out of stock. Anyone now where I might find it to download? Also the programming cable I can probably pick up on ebay or amazon as well, the sellers on there seem to have a lot of them.
Well this is my intial post. Again thanks for letting me join and hoping to hear some ideas from you all soon.
2013-09-13 18:23:00 UTC
The BC250 will not trunk on the new rebanded freqs. Where there is not real heavy traffic in my area, I just put all of the freq in as non-trunked and just scan them. Works great and gives me a little more life with the BC250. You may have to adjust the voice quality on the 250.
Post by Fred Chase
I believe any usb to serial adapter cable should work as long as you load the correct drivers for it.
I’ve never used ARC250 as I used the Uniden program which works with XP, but not 7 or 8.
The Butel Web Site shows that ARC250 works with the following Windows platforms: Windows XP/2000/Vista/7
From: bartenderjim
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 4:57 PM
Subject: [UnidenBC250D] Re: Introduction
Unfortunately I have no serial ports on my computer. I also found (hiddden away in the closet) an old Dell computer running XP. This computer has no serial ports either. Is a USB-to-Serial port adapter available for this cable.
Also will arc250 run on the XP machine?
There is a programming cable for sale now on eBay. They are few and far between.
From: bartenderjim
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 11:33 AM
Subject: [UnidenBC250D] Re: Introduction
Hi guys,
Yes it came with the APCO card already installed.
I went to a place here in San Diego called batteries plus and they rebuilt the battery pack for $20. Scanner works perfectly now.
Alec: You mentioned you use arc250 software. Does it work on the Win8 system? How do I get it?
I am going to start looking for the cable on Ebay...is there a certain cable number I should look for? Any I should avoid?
Thanks for any and all suggestions.
This is one of the scanners I still own. It works well still on basic analog and digital hopefully you got the card. Many systems got rebanded and it work work properly on them anymore. but It has good reception. I use arc250 for programming. cable I got on ebay also I think.
Post by bartenderjim
Hi to the group. Thanks for letting me join. Someone offered me a Bearcat 250D scanner for $125.00. It seems to be in good condition with just a little dent on the speaker grill and the battery won't hold a charge. I can find a new set of batteries for this not a problen there. Is this a good deal for this radio? I see them on fleabay and amazon for upwards of $225.00. Just curious. I do own a homepatrol scanner and have learned how to use it pretty proficiently, but I was looking for something I could throw into my bag and take to work for listening while I am in the field. I am a supervisor for a public transportation comapny here in San Diego and sometimes have long periods where I am idle, especially on the few night shifts I work.
I am also a Ham and would like to listen to a few ham freqs while I work as well.
Any tips on using this scanner? I did see there was some software for rogramming it using the PC, but all the sites seem to either dicontinued or out of stock. Anyone now where I might find it to download? Also the programming cable I can probably pick up on ebay or amazon as well, the sellers on there seem to have a lot of them.
Well this is my intial post. Again thanks for letting me join and hoping to hear some ideas from you all soon.